zach snoek's listening blog

Tiny Things

Tiny Habits

I love this EP and have probably listened to it E2E 20–30 times. All the tracks are fantastic, but my favorite is a four-way tie between the first four.

I could go on and on about each track, but instead, I’ll list a few overall things I like:

  • The orchestration of the songs is pleasing and provides a full sound without being cluttered or too busy
  • Each song has a lot of motion and is rhythmically interesting
  • The songs are sonically beautiful; the production is incredible and well-balanced

One track I want to call out is “one more,” which I didn’t enjoy at first because the chorus’ chord progression bored me a little (it’s very “Dreaming with a Broken Heart”). But holy crap, the chorus’ melody is incredible! It’s a beautiful 16 bars with no repeating phrases and a pleasing ascending build. Damn.

So, go listen to this album, then watch this live version of “one more” and get your mind blown by Judah’s line at 2:00.