zach snoek's listening blog


In October 2023, I unsubscribed from Spotify and bought an iPod Classic for listening to music. Most of my music listening now happens through my iPod, and I usually consume albums.

This blog is a place to archive albums I listen to and my unstructured thoughts on them. I am not a music critic and these posts are not music reviews.

It also serves as a log of my journey through this streaming-less experiment and a historical record of my musical tastes and interests.


When I intentionally listen to music through my iPod rather than streaming, I'm more engaged and enjoy the material more. Instead of passively consuming music, I'm actively experiencing it; this blog motivates me to continue listening in this format and create an artifact of each experience.

Additionally, this lets me keep an external log of what I listen to, challenges me to think more about the music I hear, and gives me an opportunity to share my thoughts with others.

the stack

This site was built with Astro and Tailwind CSS, with assists from GitHub Copilot and and ChatGPT.

I use Formspark for the suggestion form and Netlify for hosting.